General Health

Lumbar fusion surgery Long Beach, CA

Be the perfect patient? When possible, schedule your appointments in advance. For seasonal checkups or routine appointments, giving your doctor time to fit you properly into their schedule may lead to better care. This way your doctor won’t be tasked with trying to fit you into an already busy schedule. There are of course times when scheduling appointments in advance is not possible. In many cases, an unexpected illness arises and you have no choice but to call your doctor hoping for a same-day appointment. One way to handle this situation is to chat with your doctor. Some physicians would prefer a phone call when symptoms start to get you into the office within two to three days with the understanding that you may cancel the appointment if your condition changes. In another cases, this may be more of a nuisance to your doctor. Have an open, honest conversation about their preferences, office policy and standard wait times for appointments. When you are calling last minute, flexibility is key. Many doctors will fit you in even if their schedule is full. Be willing to take any appointment time and wait a little longer in the office if necessary. Walking into the situation with these expectations will make it easier to endure, and your flexibility is more likely to lead to a positive outcome. There is also potential that a colleague will be able to fit you in, so if you are okay with not seeing your primary physician, you could benefit.

The most common cause of back pain ? Injury to a muscle, or a strain, is the most common cause of back pain. It is also commonly referred to as a pulled muscle. In these cases, muscle or a tissue connecting muscle to the bone called a tendon stretches or tears. In most cases, these afflictions affect the lower back, but they can occur in other areas of the back, as well. Symptoms typically include pain, swelling, possible muscle spasms and limited mobility of the affected muscle or tissue. In most cases, a pulled muscle resolves itself within days to weeks. Treatments include home remedies such as over-the-counter pain relievers, ice, heat application, rest or splinting.

MIS Surgery, also known as MISS, is back surgery that relies on smaller skin incisions to reduce blood loss and reduce the risk of muscle damage since there is less cutting of the muscle required. As compared open back surgery, patients report faster post-surgery recovery and a shortened time frame for rehabilitation, as well as a reduced dependence on pain medication during post-op healing. The goal of minimally invasive spine surgery is to re-stabilize the back, especially the vertebral bones and spinal joints while skillfully relieving pressure on the spinal nerves. People suffering from back pain related to spinal instability, bone spurs, herniated discs and scoliosis benefit most from MIS procedures and can often avoid surgery by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Yuan to assess their particular condition, as MISS is not always necessary with expert supervision. As one of the top minimally invasive spine surgeons, Dr. Yuan of Long Beach, CA has more than 15 years of successfully treating neck, back and lower back conditions and returning patients to health with and without surgery. Discover a few extra details at Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.

Up to 90% of patients experience pain relief with Long Beach Lumbar Spinal Fusion. Pain is significantly reduced after this procedure. A Long Beach lumbar spinal fusion is a type of back surgery that can be done as an open, minimally invasive or mini-open procedure. The procedure combines two or more vertebrae through a welding-like process in order to reduce pain and increase stability in the spine. It is used to treat chronic neck and back pain that may radiate to the arms and legs. People who suffer conditions such as degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, fractures and spinal tumors in Long Beach typically make good candidates for the procedures. When possible, some spinal fusion surgeries can be done as outpatient procedures with minimal cutting and operating time—they are called minimally invasive spinal fusions. Depending on which vertebrae are causing pain and where potentially diseased discs are located, a fusion can be done on the thoracic (upper back) or lumbar spine (lower back). Long Beach spinal fusions prevent pain associated with movement by fusing together two or more vertebrae in the spine to prevent painful movement. The pieces are welded together using a bone graft, made from either a cadaver bone or taken from the patient. These grafts are commonly referred to as cages.

The SI joint absorbs stress experienced in the legs during running and transfers it to the spine. If the muscles are weak or not working optimally, the SI joint takes the brunt of the load. Tightened ligaments often due to arthritis or hormone changes commonly caused by pregnancy can put the SI joint at greater risk of dysfunction. To properly diagnose SI joint dysfunction, your doctor will have to do an examination. Symptoms are usually described as increased pain after running, standing from a seated position, walking up stairs or using other exercise equipment that stretches the muscles connected to the SI joint. Diagnoses often includes several types of imaging including x-ray, CT, a special type of CT called a SPECT and MRI, as well as fluoroscopically guided injections and sometimes lab work.

Long Beach Spine Surgeon, Dr. Yuan, uses surgical and non-surgical treatments to relieve chronic pain in the neck and back. Learn more about the top 5 causes of back pain. Dr. Philip Yuan is a board certified Orthopedic Surgeon and fellowship trained spinal surgeon who emphasizes non-surgical treatment first and only recommends surgical procedures when absolutely necessary to better a patient’s quality of life. See more info at