
Home learning with help from high quality audio books

Study at your own pace with help from Bilingual Audio Books: You can learn and earn: Many students who take online classes are full-time professionals looking to get ahead in their careers. Even if you’re not currently working full-time, distance learning courses offer you a flexible schedule that allows you to learn and work at the same time, and pay your way through college. Forget about geographical boundaries! Since you can complete a distance-learning course from anywhere, you are not bound by geography. You can choose any school that offers the program you want, no matter where it’s located anywhere in the country, or even internationally. Plus, if you ever relocate, you don’t have to worry about transferring to another school.

Try to choose at least some books that have more idiomatic language to increase your ability to know and use lingo appropriately. One way to do this is to choose contemporary titles rather than classics. It’s more likely that a current bestseller set in the present will contain more current idioms than a book written in the last century! Classics are still a great way to go with bilingual texts, especially since they tend to be so widely translated and easier to find in bilingual format-just make sure to mix it up a bit.

Learning foreign languages very easily with bilingual audio books : Is your family bilingual, or do your kids take language lessons? Tell us below; we’d love to know! When she came to America in 1921, Pura Belpre carried the cuentos folklóricos of her Puerto Rican homeland. Finding a new home at the New York Public Library as a bilingual assistant, she turned her popular retellings into libros and spread story seeds across the land. Today, these seeds have grown into a lush landscape as generations of children and storytellers continue to share her tales and celebrate Pura’s legacy.

Audiobooks can be a welcome addition to every classroom. Many students are avid readers while others are struggling to become readers and still others have given up hope. Audiobooks have something to offer all of them. It might be appropriate, then, to list the benefits of audiobooks for all students. Audiobooks can be used to: Introduce students to books above their reading level, Model good interpretive reading, Teach critical listening, Highlight the humor in books, Introduce new genres that students might not otherwise consider, Introduce new vocabulary or difficult proper names or locales. Discover even more info at Study from home with BilingualAudioBooks.

Enjoy the Trip. Reading good books and visiting the natural places, both are your passions. You may not take the pleasure of good books on tour. Do not be panic; now you have audiobooks. No matter, you are in hilly area or jungle, or town, you may enjoy the books. Learn Accurate Pronunciation. Speaking accurate pronunciation is a big problem for international students. That is why; many students do not speak in the class. They suffer from the inferiority complex. Audiobooks are very helpful to learn pronunciation. Students should have access to audiobooks in the classroom.

Reduces working-memory deficit. Students who struggle with decoding and the mechanics of reading spend so much time focusing on sounding out the words that it is difficult for them to retain the information they are reading. By eliminating the focus on decoding they are now able to retain, remember, and understand the content. When students begin reading with their ears, they start building their working memory. This helps them respond to questions about the text more readily. The more often this happens, the more confident a student gets around the one subject that has plagued them, reading. Building working memory helps make other reading tasks easier and improves reading ability.

Ask yourself: would you like to learn a language the way you learned your mother tongue? You learned it without reading or writing. Yes, it took you three years, but ZERO effort. If you are ready to learn without even knowing that you are learning, subscribe to our list so that you can enjoy your BABooks at a 50% discount. If you are a foreign language teacher, the BABook is your dream tool. Not only it helps you in your teaching tasks, but it also reduces the eventual discipline issues. Anyone likes to listen to stories. Discover more details on