Browser Games

Win boosting tricks for Overwatch

Looking for advices on how to improve your skill rating in Overwatch? “Effective” DPS choices could be their own tier. Each choice depends on the team composition around them. Pharah, when paired with a Mercy, can demolish shields and take out entire enemy backlines. The same can be said for a talented Doomfist. McCree takes out airborne enemies and easily destroys shields with Fan the Hammer.

As mentioned above, the only way to rank up in Overwatch is to win. You could finish a match with five gold medals, but if your team doesn’t win you’ll still lose SR. As a result, it’s best to group up with friends or recent players. This way you can strategize and play as a team, instead of being matched with players who want to do their own thing. If you haven’t got anyone to play with, or the people you usually play with aren’t online, you can use the ‘look for group’ function shown on the ‘Play’ menu. This will allow you to choose the role you want to play and match you with players who synergize with that. You can even specify if you want the other players to have microphones.

Talk with Your Team. There are a lot of gamers (and a lot of pros actually) who prefer not to communicate during matchmaking games, but in game like Overwatch using voice chat is also a key to success. Imagine you have an Earthshatter (Ultimate Ability) ready as Reinhardt and just died with it on the point. You have a Mercy with Resurrection and one DPS alive there also, but there are ~6 enemies on the point. So let’s say since you’re dead it’s 2v6 and there is no reason to use Resurrection there, but you know that Earthshatter is a game changer ultimate ability if used properly. The problem here is that even on high ranks most likely Mercy do not check the scoreboard that frequently so she misses a huge opportunity. So it’s all about one call from your side and you will have a chance to save the game.

Skill rating increase advice: Don’t stress minute SR changes: You want to win all your games, of course—but the thing is, you’re not going to. The way Overwatch is balanced means that players will lose games, roughly the same amount that are won. Your SR is going to fluctuate, which means there will be losing streaks with dips. But remember that Overwatch’s ranking system is doing its job when this happens, and you’ll likely even out. Alternatively you can attempt to use a professional skill rating improvement service. Discover additional details at Overwatch Boost.

Finally, you need to understand comps (a term for team composition). A good beginner team usually has two supports, two tanks, and two damage characters. If you’re playing with strangers and don’t have good team coordination yet, it helps to have a varied team to cover all your bases. For example, if your team has a high-damage character like Pharah already and you’re playing the other damage character, maybe try a hero that deals aimed damage like Soldier 76, or a close-range flanker like Tracer. Over time, you’ll learn cool combinations with your teammates and which characters work better against others.