
A small guide about party wall surveyor costs in Herne Bay UK

Unfortunately some fee orientated surveyors have learnt to work the system and pitch their fee as high as they can without causing the adjoining owner to challenge it for fear of delaying the works and incurring a further fee. Although the Party Wall Agreement covers many aspects of the work including access, contractor’s insurance and resolving damage one of the clauses which is most contentious relates to working hours. The Award will state the permissible working hours and they may appear quite restrictive at first glance; normally 8.30am to 5pm with no allowance for week-ends or bank holidays. Bear in mind that this clause only relates to the works which are the subject of the award and not the associated works which can carry on outside of these hours.

Party wall issues? Here are some tips: What is covered by the Act? There are certain items of work that you can only be done after notifying the adjoining owners and either receiving written agreement of the neighbour or with a Party Wall Award prepared by a surveyor/s. Notifiable works include (but are not limited to): cutting into a wall to take the bearing of a beam, for example for a loft conversion, inserting a damp proof course, even if only to your own side of a party wall, raising a party wall and, if necessary, cutting off any objects preventing this from happening, demolishing and rebuilding a party wall, underpinning a party wall or part of a party wall, weathering the junction of adjoining walls or buildings by cutting a flashing into an adjoining building, excavating foundations within three metres of a neighbour’s structure and lower than its foundations, excavating foundations within six metres of a neighbour’s structure and below a line drawn down at 45° from the bottom of its foundations.

It might seem obvious, but it’s important that you carry out a thorough clean and tidy of your entire home before the surveyor arrives. Tidying up also gives you the opportunity to rearrange your home so that the significant selling points are exposed for when your potential buyers arrive for the first time. Overall, tidying makes it easier for the surveyor to do their work.

It may be that you have been living in the house for a while and the property has become subject to general wear and tear. Instead of fixing up the property, you have decided to move on. This may decrease the value of your home as many buyers will look at the property as how ‘liveable’ it will be upon buying. If changes need to be made before a potential buyer can properly live in a property, this will make them less likely to buy it.

In addition to the suite of RICS branded HomeBuyer Reports, we are able to offer the excellent jargon-free Home Condition Survey by SAVA. With its simple 1 -3 rating system which is also colour coded to indicate the risk level and the individual items rating it allows you to quickly determine the levels and not get held back by surveyor talk. In addition to this, it comes with helpful fact sheets on electrics, gas and asbestos as required. Discover extra details at Party Wall Surveyor Herne Bay.

Ok so I should never serve notices myself? Actually that is not what we are saying we are just saying weigh up what it could potentially cost you if you get it wrong and if you don’t really understand what your doing its probably cheaper and easier to get a Party Wall Surveyor to do it for you. We have provided DIY templates in the notices section at the top of the website for you to easily fill out if you know what you are doing these are based of Facility of Party Wall Surveyors documents and include our details for easy appointments should you need a party wall surveyor. Should you need an expert Party Wall Surveyor Kent or generally on party wall matters please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01843 808184 or email us at or use our contact form on the website.

Party Wall Surveyors, will deal with disputes by issuing an Award. Party Wall Award(s) are ways of dealing with disputes under the Party Wall etc. Act. At Home Heroes we are able to work on your behalf both before the need for a party wall surveyor by preparing and serving notice and once a dispute is deemed, we have experience working as building owners, adjoining owners and even an agreed surveyor. A HomeBuyer Report with survey: Includes all the features of the RICS Condition Report and advice on defects that may affect the property. A HomeBuyer Report with survey and valuation: Includes all the features of the RICS Condition Report, plus a market valuation and insurance rebuild costs. As one of the most comprehensive surveys available, more often than not a building survey will be requested by potential buyers of your property. It is a wide range inspection of the entirety of a property done in more specific depth than a Homebuyers Report or a Mortgage Valuation. A Building Survey’s purpose is to give a detailed report of the condition of the property in question.

Home and building survey tips and tricks : Watch out for Vegetation, It may be lovely to have wisteria or ivy growing up your home, but beware that vegetation can cause damp in your walls as it retains water and some, like ivy can get in between the mortar joints and cause further damp areas. Electrical and Gas Safety, I don’t know why, but every home I’ve ever bought has had a really useless boiler! As a result I’ve had to fork out between 1,000 to 2,000 to get a new one fitted. So, after having this happen twice, I now make sure I ask the surveyor to have a quick look and then I get a Gas Safety Registered plumber to check it out – albeit at an extra cost of up to 75. However, this has saved me over 10,000 due to the number of properties I’ve bought over the years! See extra details at


Top wireless headphones chargers on the marketon APsolutionsGlobal

Shop online advanced technology homeware items! For those who anticipated the AirPower’s 3-in-1 capability, this is the wireless charger for you. The Nomad Base Station Apple Watch Edition can charge your phone, Apple Watch, and AirPods all at once. This wireless charger has 3 coils, each with 7.5-watt power. This Nomad Base Station has a built-in Apple Watch charger, so your watch can sit upright and serve as a clock in nightstand mode. It’s also compatible with AirPods’ wireless charging case and non-Apple Qi products, although its 7.5 watt power is not as high as some Samsung products’ 10-watt capability. This 3-in-1 wireless charger is a black rectangle with a dock for the Apple Watch. The charging surface is padded black leather, so devices will stay put. LED indicators show if the devices are charging or fully charged, and dim at night to prevent glare.

iRobot’s Roomba brand has become as synonymous with robot vacuum as Q-tips is with cotton swabs. The Wi-Fi-enabled Roomba 960 is ample evidence why. It turns a tiresome chore into something you can almost look forward to. With three cleaning modes and dirt-detecting sensors, it kept all the floor surfaces in our testing immaculate, and its camera-driven navigation and mapping were superb. Its easy-to-use app provides alerts and detailed cleaning reports. The ability to control it with Amazon Alexa and Google Home voice commands are just the cherry on top.

Adopt Super Color Technology for this video projector delivers Superior Picture Color. 800x480p native resolution, max support 1080p. compared with typical projectors, 1000:1 Contrast. You can enjoy sharp picture in dark environment. This Mini LED Projector is Light Weight and Simple Operation. Ideal for Home Entertainment, turns your life into minimalist style. Such as: Movie Time, Parties, Sports Events, TV Series and Video Games. Perfect for you to share happy hours with your family and friends. This home movie projector equipped with multiple ports, including AV / VGA / USB / SD / HDMI interface. You may connect it to PC / Smartphone / Tablet / DVD / PS3 / Xbox / TV box / U-disk / hard disk. Built-in speaker. (Does not support Dolby sound). Low Power Consumption and Durable, latest smart ECO lamp care technology ensure saving up to 70% energy and longer lasting lamp life for more than 30000 hrs. High cooling efficiency and low fans noise. See additional details at AAO YG420 mini led 720p projector.

With the undisputed quality of their photography range, it’s perhaps no surprise that Kodak’s ultra-compact projector is designed with equally high standards in mind. It brings the big screen dreams of the movie theater right into your living room and does so with all the bright lights you’d expect from Tinseltown. Claiming to be the smallest DLP projector in the entire world, it fits into the palm of your hand, and back of your pocket, without feeling like you’re even holding a projector at all. It even has built-in speakers that will be sure to drown out any popcorn crunching or drink slurping, and there’s also versatile connection possibilities that spread across an array of devices. A marvel of projection engineering and supplied with HDMI, USB, and micro SD ports, there’s such a range of things you can achieve on this projector, that you could very soon have an Infinite Jest scenario on your hands. No matter though, if you’re happy then we’re happy, too.

Convenient & User Friendly: Take the edge off your day by letting the automatic vacuum cleaner take control of your household duties whilst you’re busy working or spending time with your loved ones. Equipped with an array of different functions, this product comes with a 500ml dustbox to store plenty of dust and a 210ml water tank to leave your floors sparkling clean! This can all be controlled from your fingertips with your phone as Wi-Fi app control enables you to plan your cleaning routine at any given moment you choose. This enables you to be flexible with your time whilst orchestrating a timed cleaning schedule. Find additional info on


Bus with high km count bought reliable by AutoAnkaufDuesseldorf

Having a used car inspected by a reputable repair shop — without ties to the dealership — is a very good idea. Having a salvage auto inspected before you buy is absolutely indispensable. Don’t consider buying without it. In addition to offering peace of mind when buying a salvage car that’s already been reconstructed, an inspection can tell you exactly how much you’ll be putting into repairs on a car that still needs to be rebuilt. If possible, have the inspection done at the body shop you plan to use for repairs so you’ll be on the same page. Finally, a pre-purchase inspection can pay for itself. What dealer comprehensively lists each and every wear, tear, leak, ding, dent and question mark? After your inspection, use the findings to ask the dealer for an additional reduction in price.

How can you get the best price? Well, you’ll find damaged car buyers that say they pay cash for cars. They pay next to nothing for your car – nowhere near what it’s still worth – then might even charge you to take it away. To sell a damaged car privately means spending a lot of your own valuable time talking to people who just want to talk you down in price. So what’s the best place to sell a damaged car? Let’s explore a few options.

For our german readers:

Der Verkauf eines Schrottautos ist die beste Wahl und der einfachste Weg, dem Zorn der Natur zu entkommen, insbesondere wenn Sie keine Hagelschaden-Kfz-Versicherung haben. Wir machen es Ihnen leicht, sich von einem solchen Ereignis zu erholen, indem wir Ihnen in 90 Sekunden ein faires Marktangebot unterbreiten. Wenn Ihr Auto bei einer Kollision oder durch eine Versicherung zusammengezahlt wurde, werden Sie bald feststellen, dass es nicht einfach ist, ein unfallgeschadigtes Auto zu verkaufen. Niemand mochte gutes Geld fur ein Projekt bezahlen, sodass Sie von beschadigten Autokaufern Lowball-Angebote erhalten. Sie konnen aus eigener Tasche bezahlen, um es reparieren zu lassen, aber Karosseriereparaturen sind nicht billig. Am Ende ist es normalerweise nicht wert.

Wenn Sie ein Auto mit Motorschaden haben, dann sind Sie bei Motorschaden Ankauf Dusseldorf genau richtig! Motorschaden Ankauf Dusseldorf: Der Motorschaden kann durch ein betroffenes Motorenteil selbst oder von anderen Bauteilen verursacht worden sein. Ein Motorschaden hangt an einer Vielzahl von elektrochemischen und physikalischen Vorgangen ab. Bei einem „richtigen“ Motorschaden (Lagerschaden, Nockenwelle usw. ) ist ein kompletter Austausch des Motors bzw. der Verkauf des defekten Wagens an einen spezialisierten Motorschaden Ankauf Autoaufkaufer empfehlenswert. Weitere informationen finden sie auf dieser website Autoankauf Dusseldorf.

Sollte Ihnen unser Angebot zusagen, bekommen Sie im Vorfeld von uns eine schriftliche Kaufzusage mit einem festen Abholtermin zugesandt. Die Zahlungsweise und der Kaufpreis sind fest im Kaufvertrag vereinbart. Unfallauto ankauf Dusseldorf: Vergleichen Sie uns, Sie werden feststellen, dass Unfallwagen Ankauf Dusseldorf Ihnen das Beste Rundum Paket mit dem attraktivsten Angebot unterbreiten wird.


Nepal trekking agency tricks

Nepal trekking recommendations for a fabulous trekking location. Here are some tips if you plan to tour Himalaya. Remember, you are on Holidays, Enjoy Yourself! The most important thing to remember is that you are on vacation, relax, have an open mind, and enjoy yourself! There is always a lot of spare time when on a trekking trip like Everest Base Camp. You generally walk anywhere from 4-6 hours a day, with the exception of a few longer days, and therefore have plenty of time when you arrive in the tea houses to relax, rest, and have a laugh with your fellow trekkers. It is important to have this time throughout your journey as they help to keep you positive and relaxed, instead of nervous and tense. You also have to keep in mind that you are entering a very different environment than you may be used to when going to Nepal. Things may not be done in the same manner as you may be used to at home, by no means does this imply that things are done wrong there, however they are just different. You must always keep an open mind and remember the fact that there will be cultural differences along the way and to respect those who are there to help us reach our goals!

Mustang is a sacred pace for both Buddhist and Hindu people. It belongs to the Muktinath Valley in the northwestern part of Nepal and has two different parts referred popularly as Upper and Lower Mustang Valleys. Here you may found the lifestyle and culture of Sherpa people and old villages. In addition, you will be able to explore the entire kingdom of the Upper Mustang Region. Highlights the Tibetan Culture and its Landscape: Mustang region has rich Buddhist culture to allow individuals in experiencing the landscape and culture followed by the Tibetan people. Mustang Region Trekking thus takes you to a mysterious region of Nepal, especially in the upper part of the country. Chance to Visit Lo, the Old Buddhist Kingdom: Mustang Trekking gives you the opportunity to bring trekkers into the hidden world of Lo, the old Buddhist Kingdom. Being closely tie to Tibet, Lo highlights almost similar culture, as followed in Tibet culture, geography and language. In fact, isolation of the region from outer world to a highly preserve culture of Tibet and its unspoiled nature.

Top tips : Keep batteries close to your body at all times. Sleep with them in your sleeping bags. Charging batteries is very expensive per hour (almost $5 per hour) The cold drains batteries quickly, extend their life by keeping them warm. Charges for batteries = Near or below Namche Bazaar 100-150 NPR/hour – Closer to Base Camp 300 NPR/hour

Before you arrive and arrival in Kathmandu – Make sure you get the best rate on your flight to Nepal (Here is how). Most visitors can simply get a visa on arrival so it won’t save you much time to get one beforehand. One thing that is important is to make sure your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of entry. Send us your ticket information once you have your flights and our representative will be waiting for you with a Himalayanwonders signboard. Here is short YouTube Video of what you might expect at the airport.

Amongst all, autumn is regarded as the best to trek in Nepal as the skies are clear and you can find the better views of Himalayas and hills embellished with exotic flora. You will also get a chance to relish the major festival of Nepalese during this season; Dashain and Tihar, when families reunite and celebrate with great jubilation. Spring boasts enchanting floral display whereas even other seasons are viable for trekking. Rain-shadowed areas of Mustang and Dolpo allow for travellers to relish their majesty all over the year. Treks in Nepal are bound to reward you with unparalleled natural beauty alongside supreme cultural exhibition all over the country. Thus, Nepal is truly a land of divine culture and exotic natural beauty and a perfect destination to experience the thrill of trekking in the lap of humongous Himalayas. Find additional details Trekking in Nepal.

We believe that no travel is complete without a heavy dose of culture and we promise to deliver you just that. Travelling in the remote areas of Nepal, we focus on promoting the diversity and rich heritage many of these areas have to offer. With us, the companionship of breath-taking scenic beauty and local hospitality that is authentic and pure go hand in hand. Our objective of doing this is simple, to have you experience Nepal the right way, the Nepali Way. These exchanges with our local community not only helps our clients bond with locals and share their culture but also allows for a sustainable sharing of development. Many of the locals in this area are making a living due to this exchange and we are proud to say that Frolic has played out a big role to make this a possibility. Why with Frolic Adventure? Family Friendly. Travelling is better when done with family, hence we have special packages catered just to them. These packages are designed in a manner that allows for the inclusion of most age groups and are fun-filled adventures worth sharing with your loved ones.


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It is no secret that the odds makers are good at what they do. Most of the lines they put out are going to be spot on and will make finding value a challenge. That doesn’t mean that value does not exist. When there are lots of games going on, it’s much more likely that you might be able to find some lines with mistakes in them. Smaller games in popularity are also going to have less time spent on setting their lines. There really is no secret to when to try and find bad lines. The key is to have a strategy in place that helps you spot these lines and take advantage of them. One of the best ways to do this is to set up a system to where you determine what you think the line on the game will be BEFORE you actually look at the lines. Then you can bet on the games that look to have value to you. For example, let’s say you are going to be betting NBA games and you want to bet three games.

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Lucky 15 bet: As an advancement of the Yankee Bet the Lucky 15 Bet includes, obviously, 15 bets. These 15 bets comprise of 4 single bets, 6 two-leg multi, 4 three-leg multi and 1 four-leg multi. How this strategy works and how big your chances of winning are, are shown in this article. Over/under: This nice and simple betting strategy is easily explained. You have to figure out if there are more or less goals/points etc. scored than a certain amount during a game. Although it started with only betting on the amount of goals scored during a football match, up to now you can bet on almost everything that is countable. That is why this strategy is not only employable for football bets but also for other sports like basketball, tennis or basically every other game.

Sadly, Netherlands hasn’t yet confirmed its own Gaming Bill and this waiting has been going on from 2010. The bill is stuck in political disagreements and since it did not pass the vote in 2016 there hasn’t been any concrete move forward. It’s unfortunately still pending in the upper house of the Parliament. However, recent news from the GamblingCompliance’s Netherlands section might bring good news for the new year. A Dutch lobbying group is calling for a rethink of the online gambling regulation act and hopefully, 2019 will be the year when the waiting is over and online gambling is regulated in the Netherlands too. One of the original innovators in the online casino space. The ‘fun’ online casino with a softer brand, a pretty whacky colour pallet and great customer support. The casino gamification features have moved on since Casumo first launched but their video slot races are still pretty interesting.


Top Indonesia online casino to play fabulous poker games

How to win at poker is the subject of the day. Average players try to put an opponent on exactly a-Heartsj-Hearts (or some other specific hand) because that’s “what their gut tells them.” Watch the video below to understand how poker pro Jason Wheeler uses every possible information available to understand his opponent’s cards and choose his play. Poker Tip Key Takeaway: Be Realistic: Think about your opponent’s range instead. Nobody has a specific hand in poker – they only have a range. They will show up with different hands to varying degrees. Ditch Your Favorite Hand: A lot of people have a favourite hand. I know that every time I get dealt the old 9-7–suited my eyes light up and I want to play it so bad! However, in reality, I know that 9-7–suited is a mediocre hand. It makes sense to play it in some spots – late position, for instance, in an unopened pot. But it should almost always be folded in early position. If you currently have a favourite hand, that’s fine – most people do. But don’t give it preferential treatment and make bad plays with it.

To get to the top of your game, you are going to have to climb that poker ladder. Start by studying this 5-step guide, practice as much as possible, and understand the rules of the game. Keep your head down, your wits about you, and play low stakes contest until you’re ready to move up a notch. Poker is entertainment at the end of the day – so remember to have fun while sticking to your bankroll. Discover additional details on

Play Fewer Hands And Play Them Aggressively: There is a limit on how many starting hands you can play before the flop in No Limit Texas Hold’em, even for the world’s best players. If you try to play too many hands, you’ll bleed away your chip stack (unless lady luck is on your side). Developing a solid preflop poker strategy is by far the easiest and fastest way to improve your bottom line. However, while developing solid preflop ranges is relatively easy to do (like by downloading our free preflop charts) having the discipline to stick to them is difficult. Don’t allow yourself to get impatient and play a hand not worth playing.

For our indonesian readers:

Lipat Ketika Anda Tidak Yakin: Ingin tahu perbedaan terbesar antara pemain yang buruk dan pemain profesional? Ini adalah kemampuan pemain yang baik untuk meletakkan tangan yang baik seperti pasangan ketika mereka berpikir mereka dikalahkan. Ini terdengar sangat sederhana, tetapi sangat sulit untuk dilakukan dalam praktek sebagian karena cara otak kita dibangun. Kami tentu saja penasaran dan kami ingin menang. Ketika kita melipat, kita menyerahkan kesempatan kita untuk memenangkan pot dan kita tidak bisa memuaskan rasa ingin tahu kita dengan mencari tahu apa yang dimiliki lawan kita. Menelepon terlalu sering dan dalam situasi yang salah adalah cara tercepat kedua untuk kalah di poker (setelah gertakan yang tidak efektif). Setiap kali Anda tidak yakin apakah akan menelepon atau lipat melawan taruhan atau menaikkan, lakukan sendiri layanan dan lipat.

Banyaknya jenis game poker yang kami sediakan membuat anda tidak perlu kemana-mana lagi untuk bermain poker online karena poker kami terlengkap dan selalu terbaru jenis permainannya dari PKV capsa susun, capsa banting, bandar ceme, ceme keliling, dominoqq,PKV Games,gaple qiu qiu, bandarq, bandar poker dengan jackpot poker terbesar di Indonesia Babapoker Agen Poker Terpercaya.

Ini disangkal lagi bahwa para ahli poker akan berbagi dengan para pemula: Lipat sebagian besar tangan yang Anda tangani. Ya, sepertinya kami sedikit mundur – tetapi tidak. Sebagian besar tangan yang Anda tangani dalam poker tidak akan layak dimainkan – jadi jangan bertaruh secara agresif pada mereka. Alih-alih membuang uang Anda, lipat kartu dan hidup untuk bermain putaran lain. Mungkin terdengar sedikit membosankan untuk membuang kartu ketika pemain lain bermain, tetapi pada akhirnya Anda tidak akan mengejar kekalahan Anda – mereka akan melakukannya. Hukum rata-rata menyatakan bahwa sebagian besar tangan poker adalah pecundang. Mengapa terlibat dalam kesepakatan yang kalah? Jika Anda tidak memiliki tangan yang kuat, lipat. Dan jangan pikirkan apakah Anda harus melipat – lipat segera. Gunakan kesempatan ini untuk belajar dari apa yang dilakukan pemain lain, pelajari gameplay mereka dan pahami apa yang membuat mereka tergerak. Ini adalah bagian dari apa yang membuat Anda menjadi pemain poker yang lebih baik. Ketika Anda tidak fokus pada tangan Anda sendiri, Anda sebenarnya belajar lebih banyak tentang kinerja pemain lain. Singkatnya: Berlatih seni kesabaran dan menyerang ketika kemungkinan menguntungkan Anda. Saat itulah Anda meningkatkan agresi dan mengejar pot poker itu. Mainkan poker di situs web Baba Poker – Poker Online.


Omega Oils food supplements manufactured in the UK

Looking for UK manufactured energy & vitality food supplements? Here are some tips about how to get a better health by using natural food supplements.

This one has stood the test of time. Creatine is one of the most extensively studied nutritional supplements, both in clinical research and by real-life athletes. To date, most findings indicate one thing: Creatine works. The supplement may enhance muscle function during high-intensity exercise and cause muscle hypertrophy, likely due to increased water retention by muscle cells. Some data suggest there may be gains in muscle fiber diameter as well. Vegetarians may have a greater response to supplementation because of their limited intake of dietary creatine. While some advocate creatine loading, it isn’t necessary. Adding three to five grams per day can help improve strength or speed or help you add bulk.

Magnesium is a naturally occurring mineral that is important for many systems in the body, especially the muscles and nerves. Magnesium citrate is used as a laxative to treat occasional constipation, and acid indigestion. Magnesium citrate is one of the most common forms of magnesium used in tablets and capsules. It is derived by bonding magnesium to citric acid. As a citrate, it has an acidic base which means primarily it has a cleansing effect on the gut as is often recommended in detoxification regimens. Some of it will pass into the bloodstream and ongoing usage may gradually restore low magnesium levels. Find more info at Health Supplements Manufacturer UK.

If a supplement’s label or ads won’t give you reliable information, how can you find out if a supplement can help — or, for that matter, hurt? Although it’s a slow process, careful, objective medical studies provide the guidance that counts. In most cases, scientific investigations of supplements start with simple observational studies, in which researchers compare the health status of folks who take a particular supplement with the health of people who don’t take the supplement. It’s an important effort, but the results don’t always hold up. So the next step is to conduct randomized clinical trials, in which volunteers are assigned by lot to take either the supplement or an identical-looking placebo (“dummy pill”) while researchers track their health. In the best studies, neither the volunteers nor the researchers know who is getting the real thing until the code is broken at the end of the trial.

At Vita Sharks we are commited to ensuring we make regular donations from our annual profits to a range of charitable causes throughout the year, including Stroke Association, Stonewall & Cancer Research UK, as well as regularly volunteering our time to help local charities and causes within our local communities. Note: Health supplements are products intended to SUPPLEMENT the diet. They are not medicinal and, therefore, are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure diseases. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied diet and healthy lifestyle. Consult your doctor before taking any food supplement or changing your diet. See more details on


Top places to see in South Korea

Korea travel attractions, i believe i got your attention already! First let’s start looking at some famous South Korea attractions and a couple of words about the korean massage, something that any traveler to Korea should not miss!

The demilitarized zone between North and South Korea is one of the tensest borders in recent times. For some visiting the area, the DMZ zone is the only glimpse of the mysterious and brutal country, North Korea, that they will ever get. There are various viewing platforms from the South Korean side that look northward toward North Korea. The strip that borders each country was decided at the end of the Korean Wars as part of the Korean Armistice Agreement. The area is often used as a place of self-reflection: to reflect upon the state of our political systems and the freedoms we enjoy today. Guided tours are available at the DMZ, which explain in detail the political and social atmospheres of each distinct country.

Yes, it’s a touristy, ex-pat area filled with gift shops and street food, but the Itaewon neighborhood is a great place to just spend an afternoon wandering around. It’s especially fun in the early evening, when residents also come out to grab dinner and people watch. There’s an energy here that defines the cosmopolitan city, and it’s also a popular strolling spot for locals. You’ll see a lot of Korean families, kids, and couples, all enjoying the shops and restaurants. For those in search of authentic Korean food, this is not the place to come, but it is the place to come for international foods not widely available in Seoul. Things like Italian food, pizza, burgers, and American-style western barbecue.

Walk into Coco Lounge’s boudoir shop and you’ll be greeted by the owner’s two dogs. Apart from cuteness overload, this girly one-stop full service nail and massage parlor also provides eyelash extensions and tanning. This is a perfect chill out lounge for those who are looking for a great place to gather together for some manis and a good massage. Order a latte from next door and kick back with a spa pedicure or gel manicure—best new designs and trendy colors guaranteed. Find more details at

Located just a little outside of Seoul is a German-style spa resort which is the Icheon Termeden Spa, which feature indoor and outdoor pools. What started out as a hot spring spa has now turned into a multi-resort complex complete with hotels, a golf driving range, horseback riding and more. A sight to behold is its outdoor pool, surrounded by a thick forest. Enjoy the steaming waters of the bade pool, where water jets provide an underwater massage and revitalize the skin. Swim, play, or soak in this Incheon hot springs water stream pool, or try one of the many sporting facilities and its arcade. If it looks familiar to you, it’s because you might have recognised it from hosting the popular reality show, Running Man!

For our korean visitors:

신사동 강남구에서 쇼핑을 마치 신 후 스파 레이에서 쇼핑가를 아프게하십시오. 대부분의 한국 스파와 달리 Spa Lei는 소녀 전용이며 여성 손님을 수용 할 수 없습니다. 몸의 곡선을 이루는 돌이 깔린 바위 사우나는 특히 휴식을 취하며 온수 욕조의 마사지 제트는 당신과 당신의 여자 친구들이 나머지 여행을 위해이 성역에 머물기를 원할 것입니다. 네일 살롱과 파우더 룸에서 야외 카페와 보석과 란제리를 판매하는 작은 상점에 이르기까지 Spa Lei는 아름다움, 피트니스, 건강 및 패션을 하나의 패키지로 통합합니다.

명동의 번화 한 쇼핑 지구에 위치한 작은 R & R을위한 찜질방 형태의 오아시스를 찾을 수 있습니다. 피곤한 쇼핑 마라톤을 마친 후 명동 전통 사우나에서 휴식을 취하고 에너지를 회복하십시오. 증기 사우나에서 모공을 열고 얼굴을 깨끗하게하거나 스크럽으로 피부를 정돈하십시오. 당신이 관광에서 휴식을 취하고 제공되는 4 가지 패키지 중 하나와 함께 휴식을 취할 때 당신의 몸은 당신에게 감사 할 것입니다. 젊어지면 명동의 길거리 음식 마라톤으로 이동하십시오!

지친 일상에 나만의 힐링 마사지! 생활에 활력을 불어 넣어줄 전국의 마사지 업소들과 제휴하여 더욱 저렴하고 편리하게 이용 하실 수 있습니다. 위치 기반을 통해 가까운 업소를 찾아 드리고 회원들간의 솔직한 리뷰를 통해 간접 체험해 볼 수 있습니다. 회사는 지속적으로 많은 업체들과 함께 건강한 마사지 문화가 정착되기 위해 역할 수행을 최고의 목표로 운영할 것이며, 앞으로도 업체와 기업간의 발전이 회사의 가치창출이라는 명제하에 더욱 신뢰성 있는 정보로 마사지 문화를 선도하는 기업이 될 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 감사합니다. 이 웹 사이트에 대한 자세한 내용을 읽으십시오마사지.

Browser Games

Free flash and html5 games

Searching for the latest html5 games that you can play online in your internet browser? IO games are becoming more and more popular and in this post we will review a few of them. OpHog is one of the most interesting and engaging tower defense game developed using HTML5 and JavaScript. The game lets you place defending units in order to defeat the enemy boss of each level while defending your portals. The developers have used HammerJS for touch gestures in the game and JQuery UI for the UI. Flexbox Froggy is the game developed. This game allows you to enter CSS styles in order to move the frog and reach the bottom where the pond is situated. The game is developed simply using HTML5, JavaScript, CSS styles and some images.

Madalin Cars Multiplayer is an epic online car driving game in the hugely popular Madalin Cars series. Choose from a range of different sports cars and customize them to your liking. You can change the color and drive settings of your car to give yourself a truly personalized ride! Once you have chosen your vehicle, you can join the online game and enter the immense desert landscape! Explore the landscape with other players and practice your driving skills. The world is open and there are many different streets, roads and areas to discover. Drive to your heart’s content or even set up some multiplayer races with other players and show off your driving technique! Do whatever you want and just have a blast!

Motor Wars 2 is a fantastic multiplayer game in which you take to the battlefield against other players around the world! The game features realistic 3D graphics, awesome gameplay, and intense vehicle fights. Join the game, pick a team and enter the fray – you must try and destroy the opposing team’s vehicles and also try to capture their flag. The game was initiallly released in December 2013 as a Unity Web Player game. Motor Wars 2 is updated in May 2018 with a brand new look and gameplay as a WebGL game, and can be found exclusively on CrazyGames. Motor Wars 2 was made by Martian Games. You can also find other amazing games from the same developer on CrazyGames, such as Kart Wars, Air Wars 2, Tank Off, and Cow Defender.

For our visitors from Bosnia:

U SLOPE igrici vi ste loptica na vrhu brda u izometrijskom svijetu. Vaš cilj je doći do kraja izbjegavajući prepreke koje vam se nalaze na putu kojim se neprestano kotrljate. Srušite rekord staze bez pada s platforme ili udarajući u zidove i prepreke. Jeste li se ikad zapitali što bi se dogodilo ako biste uzeli kuglu i bacili ga na jednosmjernu stazu? Pa, zahvaljujući padini, otkrit ćete. Iako su kontrole jednostavne, brzina kretanja kugle će vas doslovno podsjetiti da ste na roller coasteru. Ako tražite način da isprobate svoje reflekse u jednoj od najtežih igara u pokretu, onda je ova igra za vas! Koliko dugo možete preživjeti u ovom 3D svijetu? Sviraj Curve Fever Pro!

Oružje je bitna značajka u koja omogućuje igraču da nanese štetu ili ubije drugog igrača. Oni su jedini način na koji jedan igrač može naštetiti ili ubiti drugog igrača. Igra sadrži široku paletu oružja, u rasponu od pištolja do LMG-ova koji se mogu dobiti gotovo bilo gdje u svijetu igara. Mnogo je različitih vrsta oružja koje možete pronaći na karti. Rijetko je oružje teže pronaći u igri, posebno u ranoj fazi igre. Neko se oružje može dobiti samo u određenim game modovima, a drugo se može dobiti samo u posebnim zgradama ili sanducima. Trenutno je u igri 10 vrsta oružja: Throwables, Melee Weapons, Pistols, SMGs, Shotguns, Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, LMGs, DMRs, Cannons

VW Golf Simulator je cool igra vožnje s glavnim i dobro poznatim kompaktnim automobilom njemačkog proizvođača Volkswagen. I naravno da ga možete igrati online i besplatno na portalu Od 1974. godine ulice širom svijeta bile su prepune ovog fascinantnog modela, a danas ćete ga morati sami voziti. Odaberite svoju omiljenu generaciju ovog nevjerojatnog vozila i uzmite ga na probnu vožnju, besplatnu vožnju samo radi zabave ili za dovršavanje nekih zahtjevnih misija.

IO GAMES: U zadanje vrijeme preferiramo IO igre, žanr besplatnih online igara za više igrača u stvarnom vremenu koje možete igrati u svom pregledniku bez potrebe za instaliranjem ili kreiranjem računa. Prva IO igra bila je Agar IO. Agario je rastao tako brzo da je u roku od nekoliko mjeseci već vidio nekoliko stotina tisuća igrača širom svijeta. Ono što je ovu igru ​​učinilo tako jedinstvenom jeste vrlo zanimljiv stil. Za razliku od većine igara, dizajniran je za igranje u prozoru preglednika preko cijelog zaslona i u potpunosti je bio multiplayer. Time je postavljen okvir za mnoge druge .io igre koje bi se pojavljivale na internetu u mjesecima koji dolaze. Igrajte igre na Besplatne ONLINE igrice.

Internet Marketing

Pittsburgh digital marketing

If you are searching for web hosting and domain management services in Pittsburgh you are in the right place! We will discuss about digital marketing trends of 2019-2020 and we will introduce you to a professional internet marketing service provider in Pittsburgh.

If you want to stand out in 2020, you need to personalize your marketing – and that means personalized content, products, emails and more. Consider these personalization stats: 63% of consumers are highly annoyed with generic advertising blasts, 80% say they are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences, 90% claim they find personalization appealing. Kevin George from EmailMonks asserts that “personalized, triggered emails based on behavior are 3x better than batch-and-blast emails.” When you want to study examples of the power of personalization, it’s hard to overlook Netflix and Amazon, with their tailored recommended products or movie titles. Here are a few other companies that are successfully using personalization today: EasyJet launched a data-driven email campaign that uses customers’ travel history with the airline to build personalized stories, which then suggest where they might like to travel next. About 12.5 million unique emails have been sent, which had a 25% higher click-through rate than non-personalized emails.

Social Media Marketing (SMM): Simply put, social media marketing refers to the process of using social media platforms to attract traffic and attention. By using social media, you can increase exposure and build meaningful relationships with your customers. While everybody can benefit from SMM as a type of digital marketing, B2C and SaaS companies tend to get the most out of it. Social media marketing is all about listening to what your customers have to say, engaging in the conversation, and sharing valuable content. An example of a tweet from Andy Crestodina of Orbitmedia. Notice how he attracts attention by sharing valuable information (infographic), drives traffic to his website by posting the link and evokes discussion (53 comments!) Together, content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing constitute what is called “inbound marketing”. It is a marketing methodology that aims at attracting, engaging, and delighting leads. Some goals of inbound marketing include attracting users’ attention, driving relevant traffic to the website, and converting it into happy customers. Read extra details at Pittsburgh Digital Marketing.

In 2016, Gartner predicted that 20% of all business content would be “authored by machines” by 2018. While the accuracy of this prediction hasn’t been tested yet, most people are already reading AI-written articles in one fashion or another (whether they realize it or not). AI is particularly good at creating data-heavy news briefs about business and sports, for example. These articles may not have the same panache as human-written ones (yet), but they save news organizations vast amounts of time and money to get the word out. In the future, AI will likely originate much of the content on the internet. But inbound content, which relies on personality and authenticity, is not its strong suit. AI may generate some initial reporting, but it’ll be up to a human to make the content relatable. Managing ads is a full-time job. But with so many new channels to reach customers through, not even a full-time advertising team has enough hours in the day to keep up. That’s why more and more companies are trying to let AI take it over.

We can also help you with spreading brand awareness, logo designing, audio creation, video creation, detail provision for business location and much more. Our business is all about you! All you have to do is contact us and find the services your business requires in the virtual aspect. Our hardworking family can also suggest the improvements your business may need after analyzing it. We want to make sure the competition in the market is bared by you with much pride. There is no better way of handling a business than taking care of web development and ecommerce of a company. We are here to ensure you manage everything properly and enjoy running a business! Contact Info: Jon Crain Pittsburgh SEO Services,, 882 Pennsylvania Ave Coraopolis, PA 15108, Tel:4122507965, Email: