
Small laptops 2019

There are a lot of budget laptops options in 2019, for this reason i think any potential buyer should study the market a little before buying and laptop. Let’s see some of the best laptops in 2019.

The parallel evolution of powerful tablets and laptops’ emphasis on touch capability haven’t just encouraged the growth of those individual categories—they’ve created one that combines them. Hybrid systems, a.k.a. 2-in-1s, are capable of functioning either as a laptop or a tablet, depending on what you need (or want) at any given moment. This gives you a lot more freedom when interacting with the device, and makes it more functional in more places. There are two types of 2-in-1. The first is the convertible-hybrid, which transforms from a laptop to tablet and back again by rotating all the way around on the display’s hinge. You can also stop at various positions along the way, if you want to stand the screen up on the keyboard like a kiosk display, or if you want to balance it on its edges, tent-style, so you can use just the touch screen in very little space. This design is best if you’re interested in a tablet, but expect to need a good keyboard with some frequency.

When HP unveiled the HP Spectre Folio, it made some big claims about how the 2-in-1 laptop would reinvent the PC. While it doesn’t quite match the hype, what we do have is one of the most beautifully-designed laptops we’ve ever tried. Billed as “modern vintage meets technology”, the HP Spectre Folio is built directly into a piece of genuine leather. That’s not a fancy cover, it’s a part of the laptop. It’s not just looks that has put it on this list of the best laptops of 2019, the HP Spectre Folio is also a brilliant performer as well, with modern components powering the device. It is very expensive, though, so if you’re on a budget, check out the more affordable 2-in-1 Acer Switch 3 below. But, if you want the best laptop for making a statement as soon as you pull it out of the bag, then the HP Spectre Folio is the one to get.

If you prefer macOS or need great tech support, Apple’s 13-inch MacBook Air usually offers the best combination of size, weight, and speed. It’s great for the same people a Windows ultrabook is good for, including writers, office workers, commuters, and college students. Expect to pay around $1,200 for one with good enough specs and storage to last you three to four years. MacBooks are even more expensive than Windows ultrabooks—the 13-inch Air usually costs a bit more for similar specs. And like Windows ultrabooks, our recommended configuration for most people lacks the processing power to play demanding games or do professional 3D modeling. Read more details at laptop reviews.

The LG Gram 14Z980 is the best ultrabook out there right now. It manages to cram three USB 3.0 ports (including USB-C), a microSD card reader, and an HDMI port into a tiny, lightweight frame. Despite the name, the LG Gram 14Z980 weighs a fraction less than 1kg. Despite the slender build and lightweight frame, battery life, processing power and overall performance is exceptional. The LG Gram 14Z980’s display is also impressive, offering decent maximum brightness, and respectable colour space reproduction. Netflix and YouTube looks fantastic. With the LG Gram covering 94.9% of the sRGB gamut, designers ought to be able to work easily on this too, though the low Adobe RGB and DCI-P3 colour gamut scores of 67.5% and 70.6% mean this isn’t one for photographers.


Digimarc Recognized as Technology Leader

Today Digimarc Corporation (NASDAQ: DMRC), inventor of the Digimarc Discover? platform featuring the imperceptible Digimarc Barcode, announced the company has been recognized for driving innovative solutions into the retail sector. Digimarc is named by ABI Research as a Smart Retail Hot Tech Innovator for 2017. The company was also recognized in IEEE Spectrum for its intellectual property, ranking third for its patent portfolio in the computer software category behind only Microsoft and VMWare, and ahead of software powerhouses including Adobe, Citrix, Oracle, SAP and Symantec.

“Our vision is to enrich everyday living through our patented technologies and applications such as Digimarc Barcode,” said Bruce Davis, chief executive officer, Digimarc. “We have a long tradition of technology innovation and a computing platform that enables future application development and growth by our customers and partners. It’s gratifying to see this recognition of our industry-leading innovation.”

ABI Research identified solutions and innovative companies that are enabling a retail revolution. According to the firm, the selection criteria for “retail hot tech innovators” identified the companies that are the fastest growing in the retail technology industry based on the number of implementations internationally, and the amount of funds raised from capital investors that will continue to fuel their growth.

In “Patent Power 2017,” IEEE Spectrum reports on intellectual property from leading companies. Its Pipeline Power rating ranks patent portfolios by number of U.S. patents granted in the most recent full year (2016) and quality, as measured by statistical assessment of important qualities such as growth, impact, originality and general applicability.

Additional information about Digimarc Barcode can be viewed here.

About Digimarc
Digimarc Corporation (NASDAQ: DMRC) is a pioneer in the automatic identification of everyday objects such as product packaging and virtually any media, including print, images and audio. Based on the patented Intuitive Computing Platform (ICPT), Digimarc provides innovative and comprehensive automatic recognition technologies to simplify search, and transform information discovery through unparalleled reliability, efficiency and security. Digimarc has a global patent portfolio, which includes over 1,100 granted and pending patents. These innovations include state-of-the-art identification technology, Digimarc Barcode, as well as Digimarc Discover? software for barcode scanning and more. Digimarc is based in Beaverton, Oregon, with technologies deployed by major retailers and consumer brands, central banks, U.S. states, film companies and professional sports franchises, among others. Visit and follow us @digimarc to learn more about The Barcode of EverythingT.

SOURCE Digimarc Corporation

News and Media

Élodie D’Ambrosio : Une Nouvelle Voix Fraîche dans le Monde de l’Animation

Élodie D’Ambrosio : Une Nouvelle Voix Fraîche dans le Monde de l’Animation

Élodie D'AmbrosioDans le paysage vibrant de l’animation contemporaine, Élodie D’Ambrosio émerge comme une étoile montante. Depuis ses débuts dans le domaine, cette artiste française a su captiver l’attention avec un style innovant et une sensibilité unique qui redéfinit les attentes en matière d’animation.

Un Voyage Artistique Inspirant

Élodie D’Ambrosio a grandi avec une passion indéfectible pour le dessin et l’animation. Son parcours l’amène à l’École des Gobelins, une institution prestigieuse en animation, où elle perfectionne ses compétences et affine son art. Son travail est marqué par une fusion subtile entre les techniques traditionnelles et les outils numériques modernes, ce qui lui permet de créer des œuvres visuellement saisissantes et émotionnellement profondes.

Un Style Visuel Distinctif

Ce qui distingue Élodie D’Ambrosio, c’est son approche visuelle unique. Elle joue avec les couleurs et les formes de manière audacieuse, créant des mondes animés qui semblent à la fois familiers et étrangement nouveaux. Ses personnages, souvent empreints d’une grande expressivité, prennent vie grâce à une animation fluide et poétique. Cette capacité à fusionner le rêve et la réalité dans ses œuvres lui permet d’explorer des thèmes universels de manière innovante et captivante.

Des Réalisations Récompensées

En 2015, Élodie D’Ambrosio commence à se faire un nom avec des courts-métrages comme “Éclats de Rêves”. Ce film, qui joue avec les frontières entre l’imaginaire et le réel, reçoit des éloges pour sa créativité et son approche visuelle audacieuse. Les festivals internationaux commencent à reconnaître son talent, et ses œuvres commencent à attirer l’attention des critiques et des amateurs d’animation.

Une Carrière en Plein Essor

Au fil des années, Élodie a élargi son horizon en travaillant sur divers projets, allant des publicités animées aux longs-métrages. Son aptitude à s’adapter à différents styles tout en conservant sa signature artistique lui permet de se démarquer dans un milieu très concurrentiel. Son travail dans des studios renommés témoigne de sa polyvalence et de son engagement envers l’excellence.

Un Engagement pour l’Éducation

L’une des facettes les plus admirables de la carrière d’Élodie D’Ambrosio est son engagement envers l’éducation. Elle partage régulièrement son expertise à travers des ateliers et des conférences, inspirant de jeunes talents à explorer le monde fascinant de l’animation. Son désir de rendre l’animation accessible à tous et de stimuler la créativité chez les jeunes est un aspect important de son travail.

Vers un Futur Prometteur

Élodie D’Ambrosio se positionne comme une artiste à suivre de près. Avec ses projets en constante évolution et son approche innovante, elle est prête à continuer à faire des vagues dans le monde de l’animation. Ses futurs projets promettent d’explorer de nouveaux territoires narratifs et visuels, et il ne fait aucun doute qu’elle continuera à inspirer et à émerveiller le public.

En somme, Élodie D’Ambrosio est une jeune créatrice dont le travail et l’originalité sont déjà remarquables. Sa passion pour l’animation et son engagement pour l’éducation en font une figure précieuse dans ce domaine. Alors que sa carrière continue de se développer, il est certain qu’elle laissera une empreinte durable dans le monde de l’animation.