
Should I get blue-light blocking glasses?

What is blue light? How to Clean the phone screen? Clean up the screen with alcohol pad.Make sure there is no dust and stain. Then wipe dry the water stain with the cleaning cloth. Then take out the dust absorber and pull it out from the arrow to open it. The dust absorber can absorb the dust on the screen. Hold the arrow of the dust absorber, stick on and take off from the screen, then change the different positions and repeat this action for several times until the screen looks clean and dust-free. Then observe the screen, repeat the use of cleaning cloth and dust absorber for screen cleaning, ensure that there is no dust and stain on the screen and it looks clean like a mirror, then the cleaning work is completed.

On the other end of the visible light spectrum, blue light rays with the shortest wavelengths (and highest energy) are sometimes called blue-violet or violet light. This is why the invisible electromagnetic rays just beyond the visible light spectrum are called ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

In daily artificial lighting, when the illumination is 100–300lx and the flash frequency is not less than 150HZ, the light is more suitable for the human eyes. When the illumination is too strong, and the flash frequency is insufficient, it is easy to cause eye fatigue, which may cause ametropia in the human eye. When watching the mobile phone for a long time, the glare that is constantly flashing on the screen will cause continuous stimulation to the eyes. When the eyes keep capturing these light and shadows, the eyes will feel tired and cause damage to the tear film on the surface of the eyeball, causing dry eyes and deepen the myopia. Read more info on what is anti glare screen protector.

High energy light is crucial to everyday life. We get high energy visible light from the sun, and it helps us regulate our sleeping patterns. During the daytime, the light that comes into our eyes releases enzymes in the morning, bringing melatonin levels down and helping us wake up. A consistent cycle of rest and wake, regulated by melatonin, comprises our circadian rhythm. This cycle can easily be disrupted. Fly to another country, or stay up too late, and the rhythm can change. Shift into blue light use, and disruption can easily occur. Artificial blue light before bed reduces the amount of melatonin being released in the body. Too little melatonin, too late, can prevent sleep and lead to exhaustion.

Avoid dry eyes. As stated above, the primary reason staring at a computer screen is so harmful to your eyes is that you tend to blink less. To combat dry eyes, keep artificial tears nearby and use them when necessary. Other factors that can cause dryness include humidity-controlled offices that pull moisture out of the air and, during the winter, heaters. A desktop humidifier can help introduce moisture into your environment and give your eyes some relief.

If you have cataracts and are about to have cataract surgery, ask your surgeon what type of intraocular lens (IOL) will be used to replace your cloudy natural lens, and how much blue light protection the IOL provides. After cataract surgery you might benefit from eyeglasses that have lenses with a special blue light filter — especially if you spend long hours in front of a computer screen or using other digital devices. So, is all blue light bad for you? Why not block all blue light, all the time? Bad idea. It’s well documented that some blue light exposure is essential for good health. Research has shown that high-energy visible light boosts alertness, helps memory and cognitive function and elevates mood. In fact, something called light therapy is used to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD) — a type of depression that’s related to changes in seasons, with symptoms usually beginning in the fall and continuing through winter. Read even more info on


The climb of a blockchain thought leader : Nick Ayton

Nick Ayton and the climb of a technology thought leader… An internationally recognised technology thought leader, Nick works with boards to help them overcome the pervasive nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth.

Nick Ayton and the bitcoin generation: There was an uprising similar to Bitcoin the 1960’s in London (a movement) where the average working man on the street, the young and disintermediated, pushed back. They spoke out as individuals and no longer wanted to conform or be suppressed as part of an obedient crowd. This was a break-out because the UK was stuck in a post-war grey period, a dull society where the powerful liked it that way and social norms encouraged conformist behavior as sheep. This young generation spawned the Beatles, The Who, David Bailey, Twiggy, Vidal Sassoon and Mary Quant – the mother of the mini-skirt suddenly developed a voice. They were part of a liberating movement, an emerging culture that encouraged people to express themselves and they did, and there was nothing the establishment could do about it.

Nick Ayton has spent more than 4 decades in tech fields, trasforming businesses and deploying the latest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. He is a Writer, Speaker and Lecturer about Blockchain and ranks in some lists as one of the most influential Blockchain experts on a global scale. He was named as a Fintech 100 Influencer for 2017 and number 21 at the rise blockchain Top 100. He has chaired various Blockchain events and has been a keynote speaker to various events. He has also runned sessions for boards and hosted Blockchain Hackathons.

Generation X revere the technology, generation Z are odd because of it, and even the baby boomers understand the value of the web to help them lead more fulfilled and better lives (Airbnb, Uber, Easyjet, Secret Escapes to name a few). Everything is online, we live online, we accept online, despite the Web being vulnerable, despite the hacks and threat of our identity being stolen, despite the fact online nobody knows who anyone really is. Yet we accept the benefits and conveniently forget any misgivings. The web sits on top of the Internet giving us Http:// and now has a new friend called Blockchain, that, rather than giving us a network connectivity of many to many, going through a central party (validating point) goes peer 2 peer and doesn’t requires a third party to be involved. Of course what I am describing is the Bitcoin payment system that writes transactions to a ledger called the Blockchain. Although everything related to this new technology, which isn’t new at all, is now called Blockchain. Discover even more info on Nick Ayton.

“We were so fortunate to not only have Nick Ayton as Keynote on our Global Accelerator Program but also a speaker at our Global Investor Summit in London on 17th July 2019. Working with Nick is so inspirational I was indeed taken with his knowledge, experience and expertise, an outstanding speaker, both charming and entertaining” Design & Build Propositions: We help Founders create and develop their propositions to disrupt industries and markets. Nick is number 21 on the Rise Top100 Blockchain people and Global Fintech 100 influencers of 2017. He is an author, speaker and educator and well known Blockchain evangelist. Nick has a background in computer science, has had 8 tech start ups and held a range of corporate roles in the technology services sector including running a €6.6billion P&L with 66,000 staff working for Siemens, CapGemini, CSC amongst others.

NickAyton on crypto app tokes : There are other new App Tokens on their way for climate, for sustainability, for tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges and in a real sense they matter, deliver an impact and it is important we earn them and get behind them. One of the most hotly debated topics around cryptocurrencies is what people can actually purchase with Bitcoin and its altcoin brethren. With Bitcoin’s 10th birthday just around the corner, it’s worth taking a look at some of the most outrageous and expensive things people have been able to purchase with BTC.


Real estate IT

Fractional CIO? One critical piece of the puzzle often missed is making every effort to fill/infer data wherever possible to find the optimal balance of complete/accurate data with efficient data entry. If salespeople and support staff see that the system does “everything it can” automatically, they’ll be more willing to enter the unique data points which truly add value to the organization’s view of each customer and opportunity. CRM adoption success is more in the hands of Executive leadership than most leaders realize.

Digital transformation is driven by a broader view of Information Technology than its traditional goals of increasing efficiency and automation to help businesses save money and boost productivity. Today, technology has advanced in ways that allow businesses to do much more than what was possible in the past. Even in its traditional scope, IT has become a major component of most businesses’ success. Most corporate executives (CXOs) are comfortable with it in this shape and size, but when there’s talk of re-envisioning IT, even with the promise of greater impact, CXOs can become understandably nervous.

This is not the main driving problem though. The top CRM systems (Salesforce, Dynamics, SAP, Oracle) have been designed with sales input, design thinking and user experience experts coming out their ears. I find several of the top systems really elegant in their combination of simplicity and power. It’s hard to imagine these systems being much simpler while still achieving their intended goal. Neither is the tech IQ of sales staff the major problem. Never before have salespeople had the level of technical skill that today’s sales professionals possess. Find more info on maximizing CRM adoption.

Every business should want to have an IT consultant! The main advantage of hiring an IT consultant is that a business gets professional services and advice. Business technology is dynamic and IT experts can help a business integrate the latest technologies into its operations. In addition, experts can predict future trends in business technologies and help businesses adjust their operations in line with those trends. Certified IT consultants can analyse the current and future technology needs and help a business to meet those needs.

A trick every CEO should know about cybersecurity: According to most cybersecurity surveys, over 60% of all data breaches originate from unauthorized access from one of your current or former employees, or third-party suppliers. Further, it is incumbent upon CEOs to learn more about cybersecurity to ensure their company is taking appropriate actions to secure their most valuable information assets. This does not mean that every CEO needs to become a Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP). Rather, CEOs should increase their knowledge of core cybersecurity concepts and leverage their own leadership skills to conceptualize and manage risk in strategic terms, understanding the business impact of risk.

The experts at Innovation Vista have brought our expertise together to collaborate on a unique approach to technology that we call Innovating Beyond Efficiency. Traditional IT strategies yield many efficiencies for organizations which invest time and effort into them. Processes are automated, systems are implemented to gather key organization data, and reports are standardized to analyze and communicate that data. These are valuable gains for an organization, and many of these capabilities have risen to the level of requirements for operating in the 21st century. Efficiency is nice. Explore extra details on Real estate IT.


Office & network setup and management company Denver

Best quality network management provider: Keep track of your digital footprint. When you monitor your accounts, you can ensure you catch suspicious activity. Can you recall everywhere you have online accounts and what information is stored on them, like credit card numbers for easier payments? It’s important to keep track of your digital footprint, including social media, and to delete accounts you’re not using, while ensuring you set strong passwords (that you change regularly).

As we saw from the stats above, ransomware attacks were a major attack vector of 2017 for both businesses and consumers. One of the most important cyber security tips to mitigate ransomware is patching outdated software, both operating system, and applications. This helps remove critical vulnerabilities that hackers use to access your devices. Here are a few quick tips to get you started: Turn on automatic system updates for your device; Make sure your desktop web browser uses automatic security updates; Keep your web browser plugins like Flash, Java, etc. updated.

We’re proud to be a penetration testing company you can trust to keep you safe. We provide web application penetration testing. Our experienced certified experts will review your site and find the holes before bad actors do. We scour your website and the internet to find any information you do not want out there. Don’t wait until your website is hacked and you have to file a breach-report. Find out if you have any security issues. Don’t be the last one to know that your data has been stolen. We will review and provide a report to you and your staff that details the issues with your website. We will work with you and your team to fix any issues that we find. We are certified to help you with your PCI or HIPAA requirements. Read extra info at Penetration testing Denver.

Install Anti-Virus Protection. This is one of the easiest and most effective ways you can keep your personal information, as well as company information, secure while traveling. In addition to using a trusted brand of security, make sure that you regularly update this software as new versions become available. Just like your anti-virus software, you should keep your operating system as current as possible. This also goes for apps on your phone; take special care to update apps that you regularly use to conduct financial or personal business.

Some companies allow their employees to use their personal phones to conduct business. It’s great for business to increase productivity and efficiency but it leaves businesses vulnerable to an attack since phones can be hacked and used to access your corporate network. A BYOD policy will help to educate employees on the use of mobile technology and how to mitigate the risk of an attack. An incident response strategy allows your business to stay ahead of an attack. You can never be sure you are 100% secure so it is always best to have a plan in case you are a victim of a cyber-attack. This will ensure that if you do have an attack, you can respond quickly enough to keep attackers from getting hold of sensitive data and alert the press or customers should the attack be larger than expected. You should also ensure there is someone responsible for handling the response plan.

Do you have a web application? Do you have a website that takes transactions? Penetration testing is a must on the internet. You do not want hackers to be the first ones to find a way to steal all of your data. PCI? HIPAA? You are required to test your networks and your applications. GDPR? CCPA? Don’t let your data be stolen. We are certified and will work with you and your team to find the holes and patch them before the bad guys do. Read additional info on


Brave browser benefits and content creators

Searching about Brave browser benefits? The choice of an appropriate web browser always leaves the users in an anxious state and setting up the perfect one as a default is surely a bigger deal than it seems. The choice of a perfect web browser always varies from person to person due to the different priorities. Each web browser has its own specialty like some browser guarantees the best surfing and browsing experience free of cost, some mark themselves differently in terms of speed and some offer the privacy and anonymity to its users. But if you are looking for all in one browser then you are at the right place as we have epitomized the specs and features of the newly released web browser “Brave Browser” which claims to take care of everything you need for your perfect browsing.

The browser is gaining popularity. It has been viewed as the next Google chrome.It appears to be the solution to challenges that come with regular browsers. We’ve also made a Brave vs Google Chrome comparison – you can check that out too and see our unbiased opinion about them. Until then, you can check what made us write this Brave browser review and why we think you should switch to it as soon as possible.

Brave is free! You’ll always be able to use Brave without paying in either money or your personal information. Shields protects you from tracking as you browse the web. Brave Rewards lets you earn tokens by viewing ads and pays it forward to the people who create the stuff you love online. All for free. If you want to support sites in Brave without earning tokens through ads then you’ll have to use your own money. Everything else is on us — and ?Brave has a lot of features?.

Watch Brave in action, head-to-head-to-head against Chrome and Firefox. Brave loads pages three times as fast out of the box with nothing to install, learn or manage. It’s easy to import your settings from your old browser. You can do it during the welcome tour or later through the menus. All of your old browser profiles will appear in a list. You can import other browser data through the main menu item called “Import Bookmarks and Settings.”

Brave Rewards: You’ve paid with your attention. You’ve earned your reward. Creators will always need your support to make amazing things. Soon enough, you’ll be able to directly withdraw the BAT you earn rather than using it to support the sites you love. To do this, you’ll need to create a wallet using a partner of ours. Over time, we’ll add more options to connect your own wallet to Brave Rewards. Stay tuned for details; we’ll be announcing developments as they come. Find more info at Brave Browser Download.

Tip on YouTube: Tip your favorite creators on Youtube while watching their videos. When you visit YouTube, Brave Rewards lets you tip creators directly as a reward for making great video content. Visit to learn more about becoming a verified YouTube creator.


Robots are the new helpers

The aftermath of an earthquake impinges rescue operations. With collapsed building debris everywhere, rescue operations become dangerous and slow. Worse, people might get trapped in hard to reach places because of the debris. The debris makes it difficult for rescue workers to contact them or send aid supplies to them. At times, reduce the flow of oxygen to where they are. This is usually a challenging operation for rescue workers. However, with the aid of a snake-like robot called Guardian S. Developed by Sarcos, the robot is perfect for hazardous conditions that require getting a reading of the environs before sending a rescue team in. It also provides real-time information about high-risk rescue attempts to the control room and the rescuers. With this, rescuers can strategize the next line of action.

The University of Washington and Purdue University conducted a study on seventy two children, aged seven to fifteen. The study aimed to find out how children interact with both robot and living dogs. These children were studied as they interacted with Aibo, a robot dog created by Sony, and two living dogs. The results found were promising. However, some limitations were also discovered. See more info at a quality website.

The RoboBusiness Conference 2020 is a yearly event that began in 2005 and has promoted several great minds and professionals all around the world. The next event is scheduled to hold in Santa Clara, California between the 15th and 17th of September. The RoboBusiness Conference is one event that caters to several aspects of robotics, from manufacturing to growth and development.

Robotics Vs. Robots: Scholars define robotics as a scientific and engineering discipline that focuses on understanding and using artificial, embodied capabilities. The real people behind the scholar definitions – i.e. the roboticists – design, construct and operate robots through complex computer systems that allow them to control their creations, obtain sensory feedback, and process information. Historically considered a branch of engineering that focuses on the design, conception, manufacture, and operation of robots, robotics is closely inter-related with electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, mechatronics, and bioengineering. Extra information at this post.

Your robots may perform specific tasks that are not achievable by these materials. For instance, stainless steel exists for handling salty environments. Heavy-duty robots also operate in sensitive environments like handling food, electronics, and medical applications. Whatever purpose your robots may serve this hopefully helps you widen your knowledge about making. Hopefully, we have managed to cover some of the most common materials used in robotics. Bear in mind that these are the basic and most common ones. There are some additional materials and parts which are used in order to fully construct a functioning robot.

In his remark, President Jeff Burnstein, Association for Advancing Automation hailed the use of robots in the country as he stressed that they have not only helped to increase competition amongst companies in the United States but have aided the generation of new jobs for more employments. He pointed out that the dispensation of robots and its growth has never been experienced in the history of the country like its current state with over 180,000 robots already being imported into the country since 2010.

Automated equipment – Automated warehouses are becoming more popular with drives, robotic arms and drones that will fill orders and pick up stock. There are also the likes of automated cranes that are able to move shipping containers and organize deliveries. 3D printing – Being able to make anything, at any time is going to help to revolutionize manufacturing. We have seen this with plastic 3D printing but recently we have seen other materials such as metal being used instead. The opportunities are endless. Discover extra details on a quality website.


Manufacturing execution system (MES) crypto chain

Blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions and in a permanent way. It is based on a series of electronic transaction records as known as “blocks” with linked to cryptography. Each block includes the encryption combination of the previous block, corresponding timestamp and transaction data. When the data is recorded to the block, subsequent blocks do not alter retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires the consensus of the network majority.

Genesis Crypto Technology is a solution for the manufacturing process via Blockchain.Data security is our top priority and the project will provide manufacturing information with Blockchain technology. The manufacturer will improve product quality by monitoring all variable factors. Managers examine the steps of all staff in improving quality and they will be given the option to select the right person for the right job in the light of this information. The project will use blockchain technology for the main manufacturing stages with information on failures of mechanical parts and working hours. Thus, there will be a repository of various manufacturer details such as stock information with Blockchain technology.

A Mes system consists of a server that obtains the required database through information collected by the software. This program connects to other networks or devices via the digital interconnection system of everyday objects, such as printers or barcode readers, called the Internet of Things (IoT). When we talk about a textile manufacturing company, the first thing this software does; to organize the planning process, taking into account the available materials and resources to plan how the production process is done. In addition to assigning each part of the process to the worker it considers feasible, it is going to determine how all steps will be taken and which elements will be involved in the preparation of different textile products. Find more details at Join Telegram Group (English).

You should then sell when the first candle moved below the contracting range of the previous several candles, and you could place a stop at the most recent minor swing high. It’s simple, straightforward and effective. Even with the right broker, software, capital and strategy, there are a number of general tips that can help increase your profit margin and minimise losses. Below are some useful cryptocurrency tips to bear in mind. Short-term cryptocurrencies are extremely sensitive to relevant news. When news such as government regulations or the hacking of a cryptocurrency exchange comes through, prices tend to plummet. On the flip side, if a big company announces they’ll be incorporating the use of a currency into their business, prices can climb quickly. If you’re aware of any news and can react rapidly, you’ll have an edge over the rest of the market.

How an enterprise leverages technology to manage and optimize the processes occurring at the shop floor level is critical to reap the full benefits and value offered by the Industry 4.0 concept. Digital Manufacturing requires a well-defined methodology for managing manufacturing operations and data coming off the plant floor. With the cost of raw materials on the rise, a highly competitive global market and increasing regulatory compliance concerns, companies that want to succeed need to cut waste, increase quality and monitor production processes while still increasing throughput. Read additional info on