
Premium QR Code online software

High quality Create QR Code right now? QRCode Orderific also has no limitations. All generated QR codes will work forever, do not expire and have no scanning limits like you see at other commercial QR code generators. The created QR codes are static so the only limitation is that you can’t edit the QR code again. Put a custom brand on your QR code. With QRCode Orderific it is very simple and straightforward to add a logo to your QR Code. The QR codes are still readable. Every QR code can have an error correction up to 30%. This means 30% of the QR code (excluding the corner elements) can be removed and the QR code is still working. We can put a logo image on the QR code that covers up to 30%. Most free QR code makers only allow creating QR codes in low resolutions and do not offer vector formats. Use the offered vector formats to print QR Codes in huge resolutions without losing quality. We recommend the .svg format for further editing. The offered .pdf and .eps formats only support classic QR codes without the design and logo options. Read more details on QR code Generator free.

A year and a half after the development project was initiated and after innumerable and repeated trial and error, a QR Code capable of coding about 7,000 numerals with the additional capability to code Kanji characters was finally created. This code could not only hold a great deal of information, but it could also be read more than 10 times faster than other codes. In 1994, DENSO WAVE (then a division of DENSO CORPORATION) announced the release of its QR Code. The QR in the name stands for quick response, expressing the development concept for the code, whose focus was placed on high-speed reading. When it was announced, however, even Hara, one of the original developers of the code, could not be sure whether it would actually be accepted as a two-dimensional code to replace barcodes. He had confidence in the performance of the code, however, and was eager to make the rounds of companies and industry organizations concerned to introduce it in the hope that it would become known and used by as many people as possible.

One of their most popular uses is QR Codes for business cards. This could come in handy, for example, when you are at a networking event and need to speak with many people in a short period of time. Many business people are familiar with the large stack of business cards you carry around after these types of events, but QR Codes provide an improved solution. You can add a vCard Plus QR Code that makes it simple to upload the details of a business card directly to a smartphone. An additional advantage is that you are now not limited to the space allowance on a traditional business card. With a digital version, potential clients or partners can view you on social media and get additional detail like your office hours or book an appointment directly. Read even more details at

UPC barcodes are one-dimensional. They encode information horizontally, through the width and placement of vertical lines. QR codes encode are two-dimensional. They encode information both horizontally and vertically. That means QR code size can store more information than a UPC barcode of equal size. At present, custom QR codes can store up to 7,000 characters. That makes them ideal for scenarios where size is at a premium, like food QR codes. Fast scanning is the primary reason Hara and Denso Wave set out to create the QR code. The automated automotive industry demanded it. The name of the technology itself betrays that focus: Quick Response code.